Fall Background

Monday, February 8, 2010


i've decided to make a new blog about my travels, i don't travel very often, so it will take a really long time to finish. what i plan to do (once i figure out how to do it) is to copy all the lyrics of my fave travel songs to the blog and for every place it mentions, i will create a link that shows when i traveled there, pics, what i learned, who i met, etc. so here goes nothing!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

this is the real me

so, one unique not so unique thing about me is that although i get interested in something very quickly, i also get bored with things very quickly. since i don't feel any obligation to this blog..i have what? three followers, including myself? i decided to forget the stupid dog thing for now, maybe i'll do a post later in a dog personality. i'm at school right now, kudos for college:three hours between classes and a computer lab woot woot! so i am going to employ the wise old saying about writing: "if you don't have anything nioce to write don't write anything at all...." wait, no. that's not it....oh! i got it! "if you don't have anything good to write, ramble until something good comes out" because my mind is full of great things to write about, but (if you are anything like me, you will feel the same way) just like when a person asks you what you want for Christmas, you know the answer but you can't think of it in that moment...quick sidebar to my friend summer...if you are reading this and pulling your hair out bercause it is full of mistakes, remember you have the password and you can change whatever you want :) not to mention, i really don't care what this post looks like because i am just using this site to rant and rave without the chance of it eraseing or falling open for anyone i know to see. wich reminds me of something that happend a couple years ago: i was in a really long car ride with my parents to our summer vacation/famioy reunion, like we do every year. i got bored so i started writing in my journal, but even that didnt hold my attention for long. why? "we have passed sveral trees now,ohlook we passed another one....and another one ..and another one" you get the idea. Anywho, my Dad was in the front goffing off. i thought it would be funny to write something kinda mean in my journal about him, since i would be the only one seeing it....at least that was the plan. we arrived, and like any young person after an eight hour drive would do, i bolted out of the car and ran as fast as i could into the water and said hi to my family, etc. ...well a little while later, i found out that when i got out of the car, i had inadvertantly dropped my journal on the groud, on -you guessed it- the page that i wrote that mean thing on. my dad was mad at me the whole rest of the trip. OY! lesson learned, if i ever write something mean about someone, don't use their real name and wait till after the cool event to do it, that way if they find out, it doesn't ruin the trip. so that's allfor now

Monday, January 25, 2010

what in the world just hsppened?

yeah, my posts are short. yes they are weird. and yes i love to eat cat food, but really why am i here? is it to rant about life? to give you insight? to make you laugh? now i think we all know i am not really a dog; i am a person, but i dunno if i want to pretend to be a dog. i thought it would be easy to make up funny anecdotes based on a real dog, but she is so boreing that i might as well just tell you to watch lady and the tramp and add an old senile deaf cat to the picture and take away the boy dog. pfffft. more reasons i would love to be a dog:

11 dogs dont have high expectations in life: eat sleep and a few belly rubs is about all it takes
12 there's no one they need to impress, they want you to be proud of them but only for the belly rub
13 they are not self conscious nor do they need to be
14 they don't need cloths. as awesome as cloths are..they are SO inconvenient
15 mating has nothing to do with love...just who will be a good candidate to pass downm the best genes
16 no jobs...they find food or they wait for you to serve it to them
17 they're cute no matter how old they are
18 they are great foot warmers...that's not good for them, just for me :)
19 they are easy to please
20 they have short term memory about bad stuff

today i started school again, and as much as i miss ed school and was tired of vacation, i envy my dog...she gets to stay at home, no pressure to get a job or do homework or get a boyfriend....she can simply sleep al day then get all the pats and belly rubs she wants because we have company and everyone who has a dog knows, that when company is there, the dog WILL get petted.

chow! bark at ya later!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

weekend for k-9s

so this weekend was nothing special. i just laid around all day and moped around. my people watched TV food and ate food all day. the older male is my favorite. he gives me his food(but i don't think he wants anyone else to know) and lets me lay on the couch next to him. the younger female confuses me. sometimes she takes me for a walk, but other days she lies around reading.
in other news, the bulldog next door is in love with me, but he is SO not my type. he's really fat and he is the only dog i know that snores when he's awake. ugghh. gross! he makes me not want to go on walks because when he sees me, he rushes out of the house to sniff my hind end; he is so unrefined. i need to leave now. my owner is running around with my bone and i need to stop him before he puts it in his mouth or something. bark at ya later.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Dog's Life

Ruff! So, how many dogs do you know that have a blog?

so, 42 reasons:

1 two words people! belly rubs
2 curling up by the fire
3 long walks on the beach
4 I get treats just for sitting down!
5 puppy eyes....it works EVERY time
6 eating off the floor
7 that cute little terrier down the street
8 being the cutest girl in the room, no matter what
9 getting the full spa treatment for free
10 two words, powdered donuts. i don't know where the cat gets them, but they are delicious!

a little bit about me. i have beautiful flowing red fur, i have high standards in the guys i sniff and i have a gorgeous figure (that the bull dog next door can't get enough of).

today was HORRIBLE! i woke up at six in the morning to go outside and the whole backyard ws wet!!! EWWWWWW who wants that? then i went back upstairs and my roomate Annie started yelling at me for God only knows what.....it couldn't have anything to do with the fact that i ate all her food last night, could it?......nah later, i got a few belly rubs from the fam and went back to sleep....ok so it wasn't so bad...hmmmm i smell cat food.
bark at ya later!